The past two weeks were like 15 psi. Imagine 15 lb=6.8 kilos of gas, being put inside a 1 inch square. I am pressured to death. Adding insult to injury, my baby's yaya got sick when I came back from travel and then a few days after, my baby got measles. It's almost a week now since my last full-8 hr sleep. I can't think properly. I've got loads of report to make, 5 more new products to develop, a few more meetings coming up, and preparations for the Sandugo fair. Plus, matters to settle with my pips at the office. Yet, I'm still on it, I won't be giving up. I should stay sturdy. I would love to share a little bit of what God has given me to survive the storms in life. Hope you'll learn something.
I AM...
1. Trusting - Knowing that the ups and downs of life are opportunities in disguise, I accept the journey at hand.
2. Detached - Loving without clinging, involved yet not dependent, I keep things in perspective.
3. Wise - I act, only after observing, listening and accepting.
4. Happy - The joy of being alive and in good company flows through my being.
5. Tolerant - I have the maturity to let go of expectations and the love to keep on giving.
6. Nurturing - Constantly supportive, I open up pathways by being sincere and always available.
7. Calm - I remain steady in the midst of complexity and sure at times of unease.
8. Humility lover - I value others without seeking their attention. Self respect is my inner light; I need nothing extra.
9. Self-Confident - I am in touch with my dreams and willing to work with reality.
10. Courageous - Having glimpsed the truth I hold on to it, undaunted by what I must do.
11. Cheerful - I catch the lightness of life and sense a good future.
12. Intuitive - I perceive the inner rhythm of events and allow my feelings to guide me.
All these things should keep me going. Hope these works for you too... Thank you for reading.
Life 101: You must build a certain kind of foundation within so that when strong winds come, you won't easily fall apart.